Probity International

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Probity International Impact

Due to increasing domestic and foreign investment in Africa, there is an increased pressure for sufficient, fair, and organized ADR mechanisms within the continent. Foreign investors tend to have a warranted suspicion about African national judicial systems, which are often beset by red tape, long and costly procedures, and lack of efficient enforcement of the law. Companies, governments, private and non private actors are looking for mediators operating within the African continent that can provide their services for resolving commercial disputes.

In Africa, the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution fits well with some of the continent’s core values – the principles of ubuntu and reconciliation are ingrained into society. Both ADR and traditional ideals support the importance of communication and dialogue, listening to each other and solving conflict together.

Through mediation, Probity International offers an alternative way through which disputants can resolve their conflicts themselves while being supervised by an experienced mediator. This can save time and other resources and let participants feel like they have more control of the outcome which often results in a win-win situation. This can be more beneficial than having a court or tribunal decide the outcome.

Mediators are impartial– the mediator will conduct the process fairly, even-handedly and without bias towards either party.

Mediation is an efficient and cost-effective alternative to resolving disputes and pending litigation

Mediation is confidential. ADR proceedings are private and the confidentiality of the process and outcome are some of the key advantages to using ADR.
Flexible and self-directed. Unlike arbitration, the ADR process can be less formal and more flexible.